Temporal Patterns in Minas Basin Intertidal Weir Fish Catches and Presence of Harbour Porpoise during April - August 2013

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the temporal and environmental (e.g. temp, tide height) patterns in the presence and abundance of resident and migratory fishes, as observed in the fish catches at two Minas Basin intertidal weirs during April – August 2013. Sampling was conducted near weekly during daytime low tides from weirs in Bramber, NS and Five Islands, NS.  Diel patterns were examined during two one-week periods during late July and early August at the Bramber site. 

Prepared by: Matthew Baker, Monica Reed and Anna M. Redden of Acadia University

This resource is also available as Appendix 5 in the 2011-2013 Environmental Effects Monitoring Program report.