Mi’kmaq Ecological Knowledge Study (MEKS) Phase Two – Bay of Fundy- including the Outer Bay of Fundy Tidal Energy Project Site

Membertou Geomatics Solutions for the Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Fundy Tidal Inc.  Fundy Tidal Inc. plans to install and operate Tidal In-stream Energy Conversion devices, supporting technologies, and infrastructure within the Outer Bay of Fundy and Digby County, Nova Scotia, known as the Outer Bay of Fundy Tidal Energy project.


The objectives of this study are twofold:


  • To undertake a broad MEKS for the Bay of Fundy Phase II Area as it may relate to future renewable energy projects (i.e. wind, tidal and wave), specifically in the Phase II Area of the Bay of Fundy), and
  • To undertake a more focused MEKS review specific to the Outer Bay of Fundy Energy Project Site and Study Area.

Principal Investigators: Membertou Geomatics Consultants

This resource is also available at: https://tethys.pnnl.gov/publications/phase-2-bay-fundy-nova-scotia-including-outer-bay-fundy-tidal-energy-project-site-mi