Literature Review - Occurrence and Migration of Fishes in Minas Passage and their Potential for Tidal Turbine Interaction

The objective of this review was to identify the movement and migration of fishes in Minas Passage by species and seasonal occurrence based on the available published and unpublished literature.  An annotated list was compiled from sources available since the 1800’s as well as personnel observations based on fisheries research in Minas Basin since 1980. There are numerous good publications on the marine fishes of Atlantic Canada and for different regions of the Bay of Fundy and its tributaries as well as research works on individual species many of which are Honors, Masters and Ph. D. Theses completed at Acadia and Dalhousie Universities and the University of New Brunswick.

Author: Michael J. Dadswell, BioIdentification Associates

This resource is also available as Appendix 6 in the 2009-2011 Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Report.