Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Quarterly Report July-September 2024

This report provides a summary of monitoring activities and data analyses completed by FORCE during the third quarter of 2024. In addition, it also highlights findings from international research efforts, previous data collection periods at the FORCE site, and additional research work that is being conducted by FORCE and its partners. This includes supporting fish tagging efforts with Acadia University and the Ocean Tracking Network, radar research projects, and subsea instrumentation platform deployments through the Fundy Advanced Sensor Technology (FAST) Program. Finally, the report presents details regarding future research and monitoring efforts at the FORCE test site. This includes work in support of the adaptive nature of the EEMP and the RAP program.

Key updates in this report include:

  • Ocean Energy Systems Environment (OES-E) released their 2024 State of the Science Report on September 18, 2024. The information in this report represents the global state of knowledge about the environmental effects of marine renewable energy (MRE) devices from studies and monitoring activities, and is built on publicly available peer-reviewed scientific literature and reports published by researchers, developers, and government agencies, and as seen through the lens of many of the leading MRE researchers in the field.