Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Annual Report 2022

This report provides a summary of monitoring activities and data analyses completed at the FORCE site up to the end of 2022. In addition, it also highlights findings from international research efforts, previous data collection periods at the FORCE site, and additional research work that is being conducted by FORCE and its partners. This includes updates on the Risk Assessment Program (RAP), subsea instrumentation platform deployments through the Fundy Advanced Sensor Technology (FAST) Program, and a research and development program called the VITALITY Innovation Ecosystem Activity Project. Finally, the report presents details regarding future research and monitoring efforts at the FORCE test site. 

Key updates in this report include:

- FORCE has received a technical report from Strum Consulting on a radar feasibility study which highlights challenges with the radar data as well as options for moving forward. This work will continue into next year to fully explore the potential utility of radar to monitor for seabirds at the FORCE site.

- The 2022 fish tagging under the Risk Assessment Program (RAP) in collaboration with our partners at the Mi’kmaw Conservation Group (MCG), local fishers, and DFO Science is complete.

- After communication with the Vitality platform was interrupted over the summer it was recovered on October 17th to diagnose the cause of the communication failure. Post recovery testing determined that the failure was caused by corrosion of one of the platform grounding electrical cables. All other components continued to function as expected. During its deployment the platform successfully acquired data on current speeds, harbour porpoise localization, and provided a live video feed of underwater life to guests at the FORCE visitor center.