Acoustic Tracking of Fish in the Minas Passage and at the NSPI (OpenHydro) turbine site

To examine the potential risk of fish – turbine interactions, the investigators focused on the movements of three fish species in the Minas Passage area and near the NSPI/OpenHydro turbine in the FORCE demonstration area.  Underwater acoustic telemetry receivers were deployed in the Minas Passage and in nearshore areas of the Minas Basin during July-Nov 2010 to track the movements of striped bass, Atlantic sturgeon, and American eel.  

This project was an extension of the fish tracking project funded largely by the OERA.  Funding from FORCE allowed the tracking of an additional 50 fish implanted with VEMCO acoustic transmitters (Total tagged = 120 fish).

Investigators: Anna Redden, Jeremy Broome and Mike Stokesbury of Acadia University in partnership with  Ocean Tracking Network and Fisheries & Oceans Canada 

This resource is also available as Appendix 9 in the 2011 Environmental Effects Monitoring Program report.