Echolocating Marine Mammal EEMP 2nd Year Monitoring Report

This report firstly summarizes the changing patterns in porpoise presence over time in the Minas Passage (from 2011-2018) related to key environmental characterisitics, notably annual, seasonal, tidal and day versus night variability. It is important to note that temporal coverage was intermittent over this seven year period, with just two winter-early spring periods of baseline that overlapped with the CSTV turbine trial. The authors provide a statistical analysis of the distribution and activity of harbour porpoise around the FORCE demonstration area in response to the installation and operation of the turbine using data from 2 mid-range C-PODs (within 230 m), and three located at least 1 km away.  

Authors: Ruth Joy, Jason Wood, Dominic Tollit of SMRU Consulting 

This resource is also available as Appendix 3 in the 2018 Environmental Effects Monitoring Program Report.